District 64 Social Media Links

Public Facebook page

District 64 maintains a public Facebook Page to keep the general public informed about happenings around District 64. Be sure to "Like" the page to receive posts and updates.


Join our group and find out about free Toastmasters events happening near you. Visit a club and learn how you can build on your public speaking and leadership skills.

District 64 YouTube Channel

We maintain a very active YouTube channel. Announcements, MyWhy testimonials. training sessions, keynote addresses, etc.

Private Facebook Group

District 64 moderates a PRIVATE Facebook Group for District 64 members only. If you are a District 64 member be sure to join up for this awesome social media site.


District 64 has a LinkedIn page that can be accessed through your LinkedIn account.


Not as robust, but we do maintain an Instagram presence.

Twitter Public page

Not as robust, but we do maintain a Twitter presence.

Need some Social Media Tips?  We have a great video on YouTube presented by Brittany Miller, a Social Media Manager and Educator.

Follow this link to view that video.

We do maintain an Event Calendar for posting events.
We also post on our Social Media sites so feel free to submit a Toastmaster Event applicable to your club.