Fall Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
Sign up today for Fall TLI and the second round of club officer training! First, click on the Registration Form button below…
…then pay for your registration using the PayPal button (TLI only; club officer training is free)! Voila, you’re all set!
P.S. When filling out the registration form, if you don’t have a mobile phone, you can enter the number for your land line instead.

Previous TLI Links
A historical look at the Fall TLI
Each fall District 64 hosts a TLI during Toastmasters Week (coincides with Toastmasters anniversary date of October 22). This one day event contains:
- Award ceremonies
- Celebration for the outgoing District Director
- Keynote address
- Educational Session(s)
- Networking with fellow Toastmasters
- Lunch
- Prizes
- Announcements
Typically a Club will be called on to organize and Host the event. In 2020 it was held online virtually by the clubs in Brandon and in 2021 again virtually online by the Key Club Toastmasters. However, usually it is held in a venue suited to a crowd of 60 to 80 members. A small recovery fee will be charged to cover the day’s expenses.
Photo below is from the Fall TLI held in 2019 at the Canadinn Garden City, Winnipeg