District 64 Toastmasters (Club Officer Training)

2025-2026 First Round


First Round information coming soon.

If you have questions, please reach out to our District Club Officer Training Coordinator at clubofficertraining@district64.ca




Additional Training References

Remember, Toastmasters International’s Website www.toastmasters.org is everyone’s go-to source for everything that is Toastmasters.

All of these links contained in any of these reference documents, invariably link back to Toastmasters International’s website. The more familiar you are with the website as a member and club leader, the easier it will be to find all the amazing resources freely available to you and your club end educational advancement!

Club Leader Helpful References

Club Leadership Handbook (Rev 05/2023)


Club Officer Training – Happens Twice Annually (Jun – Aug, and Nov – Feb)

Club officers are best served by consistent, professional, and engaging training that supports the brand, enhances member experience, and helps them grow as leaders. The materials provided by Toastmasters International are the standard of quality and consistency that should make up the core of District-sponsored Club Officer Training.

Training should be time well spent for everyone. Make the most of your training time with ready-to-use training sessions that follow a well-structured format and deliver engaging training to club officers. Logically structured guides help facilitators lead sessions that promote vital learning points to club officers and save hours in research and development.

Training makes for strong, successful clubs.

  • Other opportunities, if available, will be posted here, and in newsletters; or, contact the Club Officer Training Coordinator to inquire about other dates.
  • Clubs with officers attending training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program. In order for clubs to receive credit, the District’s Program Quality Director must record the names of officers trained.
  • All first round training that qualifies for Distinguished Club Program credit will be completed by August 31 annually.
  • All mid-year training that qualifies for Distinguished Club Program credit will be completed by February 28 annually.
  • Toastmasters International has some great tutorials for club officers; access them online at https://www.toastmasters.org/leadership-central/club-officer-tools/club-officer-tutorials (Note: you need to log in to your online account to see the content).On